Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Amistad Conflict essays
Amistad Conflict essays In January 1839, fifty-three African natives were kidnapped from eastern Africa and sold into the Spanish slave trade. They were then placed aboard a Spanish slave ship bound for Havana, Cuba. Once in Havana, the Africans were classified as native Cuban slaves and purchased at auction by two Spaniards, Don Jose Ruiz and Don Pedro Montez. The two planned to move the slaves to another part of Cuba. The slaves were shackled and loaded aboard the cargo ship Amistad (Spanish for "friendship") for the brief coastal voyage. However, three days into the journey, a 25-year-old slave named Sengbe Pieh (or "Cinque" to his Spanish captors) broke out of his shackles and released the other Africans. The slaves then revolted, killing most of the crew of the Amistad, including the cook and captain. The Africans then forced Montez and Ruiz to return the ship to Africa. During the day, the ship sailed due east, using the sun to navigate. However, at night Montez and Ruiz would change course, attempti ng to return to Cuba. The zigzag journey continued for 63 days. The ship finally grounded near Montauk Point, Long Island, in New York State. The United States federal government seized the ship and its African occupants who under U.S. law were "property" and therefore cargo of the ship. On August 29, 1839, the Amistad was towed into New London, Connecticut. The government charged the slaves with piracy and murder, and classified them as salvage property. The fifty-three Africans were sent to prison, pending hearing of their case before the U.S. Circuit Court in Hartford, Connecticut. The stage was set for an important, controversial, and highly politicized case. Local abolitionist groups rallied around the Africans' cause, organizing a legal defense, hiring a translator for the Africans, and providing material support. Meanwhile, the Spanish government pressured the U.S. President, Martin Van Buren, to return the slaves to Spain without trial. (http://...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Organize Your Classroom Files
How to Organize Your Classroom Files Its a challenge to think of a profession that involves more paper than teaching. Whether its lesson plans, handouts, flyers from the office, schedules or an infinity of other types of papers, teachers juggle, shuffle, search for, file and pass out enough papers on a daily basis to get any environmentalist up in arms. Invest in a File Cabinet So, how can teachers win the daily battles in this never-ending paper war? Theres only way to win, and thats through down and dirty organization. One of the most important ways to get organized is through a properly categorized and maintained file cabinet. Usually, a file cabinet will come with your classroom. If not, ask the custodian if he or she can find one for you through the district office. The bigger, the better because you will need it. Label the File Drawers Depending on how many files you have, you can decide the best way to label the file drawers. However, there are two major categories to consider and almost everything fits into them: Curriculum and Management. Curriculum means handouts and information that you use to teach Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Holidays and any other subjects you cover with your students. Management can broadly be defined as things you use to manage your classroom and teaching career. For example, your management files might include discipline, professional development, school-wide programs, classroom jobs, etc. Discard What You Can Now comes the ugly part. Hopefully, youve already been using some type of file folder system, even if they are just stacked in a corner some place. But, if not, youre going to have to sit down with all of the papers you use during teaching and go through them one by one. First of all, look for things that you can throw away. The more you can pare down to the papers you really use, the further you go towards the ultimate goal of true organization. For those papers you need to keep, start organizing them into piles or, better yet, make file folders on the spot, label them, and just put the papers right into their new homes. Be Specific With the Categories You Use For example, if you are organizing your science materials, dont just make one big Science folder. Take it one step further and make one file for oceans, space, plants, etc. That way, when it comes time to teach your ocean unit, for example, you can just grab that file and have everything you need to photocopy. Next, use hanging files to place your file folders in a logical sequence. Maintain Organization Then, take a deep breath - youre essentially organized! The trick, though, is to maintain this level of organization over the long term. Dont forget to file new materials, handouts, and papers as as soon as they come across your desk. Try not to let them linger in a bottomless pile out of sight. This is easy to say and harder to do. But, dig right in and get to work. Being organized feels so good!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
MTV Network Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MTV Network - Case Study Example MTV’s strategy in the Middle East is mostly based on the population, which comprises a large portion of teens whom it was targeting. The company saw the large population as an opportunity despite acknowledging that the challenges would be immense. MTV saw that the Middle East was an opportunity for expansion with respect to an audience of 190 million people that was unexploited. In addition, the company had undertaken adequate market research on the Middle East market and found out that there were no other channels providing similar content as MTV does with regard to international content. In the quest to fit in, MTV decided that it would produce 45% of the Arabia’s content locally to ensure that it met the standards of the conservative society. This would include a variety of programming ranging from music videos and reality shows to documentaries. Broadcasting 45% of local content would be a strategy that would help in unifying the area, which is known for constant po litical tensions. To beat the competition, MTV strategized a way of enabling the youths to voice their concerns and advertise their talents. In addition, usage of the Internet to allow people to access the channel anytime and anyhow they wish was also a good strategy that MTV devised to help in dealing with the competition of approximately 50 other local channels. The entire strategy is good and could work in this environment but with caution. This implies that the company should be very cautious on the content that it broadcasts.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Improving Performance and Organizational Effectiveness Research Paper
Improving Performance and Organizational Effectiveness - Research Paper Example In this paper, we will discuss how Fortune 500 companies can achieve their goals of improving employees’ performance and organizational effectiveness. Ways to Improve Organizational Effectiveness Most of the managers of Fortune 500 companies aim at improving the elements of management, quality, and employee involvement in order to improve organizational effectives. Implementing a suitable customer relationship strategy also plays a key role in improving organizational performance (Elmuti, Jia, & Gray, 2009). Proper Management The role of managers is critical for the success of any organization. Top level and middle level management perform the role of brain for an organization that directs all departments of the organization. For example, in a healthcare organization, management assigns tasks to different departments based on the nature of tasks and the departments put their efforts to complete those tasks. Top management provides regular training to the employees not only to improve their performance but also to make them improve the quality of products. If we talk about traditional management practices, we can say that in traditional management, all business processes and decisions revolve around the top management of the organization that prevents employees from being creative and innovative. The role of managers in improving organization performance and effectiveness is also important because they lead, shape, and guide all employees to work properly to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Without proper management of employee behaviors and other issues, a company can never show good performance. Integration of Quality Quality means to provide product satisfaction to the customers. Any organization or a company can satisfy the stakeholders and the customers only if it provides them with quality in the products that they use. According to Brown (2011), quality is the key to organizational success because it leads an organization to sustain able growth and competitive advantage (p. 93). Pearce (2007) states that for a business to be effective a quality approach must cover all people and all activities at every interface within the business. Quality also means to seek continuous improvement in the products and services provided by any organization. One cannot deny the importance of quality management in an organization. Many companies and organizations firmly believe in the benefits and importance of adopting the ISO 9000:2000 standards (Al-Khalifa, Al-Salem, & Mohamed, 2008). Improving and maintaining quality of products and services is a very important point of consideration for any organization to get success in a competitive market. Quality management is an ongoing process of building and sustaining healthy working relationships between the company and its customers by providing the customers with quality products. The target of growth of business and gaining trust of customers in the competitive market can be achie ved if a company implements a proper quality management system in a company. Quality management system of any organization should base on ISO 9000 series, which represents an international agreement on the quality management practices within an organization (Uzumeri, 1997). If a company wants to attain market domination, the management of that company needs to provide its customers with the highest quality products and service. It is necessary for any organization to implement a well-developed quality management
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Financial aid Essay Example for Free
Financial aid Essay REGISTRATION ?THERE IS A COMPULSORY FIRST YEAR SEMINAR THAT ALL FIRST YEAR STUDENTS MUST ATTEND PRIOR to the date of registration. The first year seminar dates will be communicated to you during November 2014. Failing to attend the first year seminar may lead to your space being allocated to another applicant. ?YOUR DATE OF REGISTRATION WILL BE COMMUNICATED TO YOU DURING NOVEMBER 2014. YOU need to register before or on the specified registration date. If you miss this specific registration date, your study space can no longer be guaranteed as we may then allocate the space to another applicant. Registration dates can also be found on the UJ website at www. uj. ac. za from December 2014 onwards. NATIONAL BENCHMARK TESTS You are required to complete the National Benchmark Test. For more information please go to http://nbt. ac. za or contact the NBT Call Centre at 021 650 3523. FEES Information on tuition and other fees due for 2015 will be available during November 2014. Please visit the UJ website at www. uj. ac. za for more information. BURSARIES Academic merit bursaries are awarded on the grounds of exceptional grade 12 results. Please visit the UJ website at www. uj. ac. za for more information. NSFAS (NATIONAL STUDENT FINANCIAL AID SCHEME) The closing date for the NSFAS loan applications is 1 October 2014 and all enquiries in this regard can be made to [emailprotected] ac. za RESIDENCE Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to the residences. If you applied for admission to a residence, you will receive a separate letter in this regard. AGREEMENT AND INDEMNITY ?YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE, SIGN AND SUBMIT A FORMAL AGREEMENT (INCLUDING AN exemption and indemnity) with the University when you register. ?IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN THE REQUIRED FORM. ?YOU WILL BE REGISTERED ON THE STRICT UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE Student Charter rules and the Academic Regulations of the University of Johannesburg and of the faculty. ? YOU UNDERTAKE TO PAY THE PRESCRIBED FEES AND ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE BOUND BY THE provisions of the formal agreement. Sincerely, Student Enrolment Centre 011 559 4555.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A River Runs Through Us Essay -- Essays Papers
A River Runs Through Us 1. â€Å"The Anacostia River is a metaphor for the way poor people and minorities are treated†(Hoover). In 1994, the Anacostia River was fourth on the list of American Rivers' â€Å"Most Endangered Rivers†(Rynor). Since the late 19 th century the water quality in this river has slowly declined with the onset of urbanization and industrialization and the pollution that accompanies this growth. The Anacostia is severely polluted with â€Å"sediment, nutrients, pathogens, toxins, and trash†(â€Å"Cleaning†). And it is no coincidence that the river runs through some of Washington D.C.'s poorest communities in the south-eastern sections of the city. 2. Environmental injustice has been an ongoing battle that continues to plague many lower class, high minority communities. Environmental injustices occur when â€Å"low-income communities and communities of color bear a disproportionate burden of the nation's pollution problems†(Bullard 15). Three of every five African Americans live in communities with abandoned toxic waste sites (Bullard â€Å"Toxic†). In a 1991 report Greenpeace explained that, â€Å"being poor in America means breathing foul air, working filthy jobs, and living next to toxic waste landfills and incinerators†(Novotny 13). 3. In Washington, D.C. much of the pollution plaguing the Anacostia River is caused by trash, raw sewage and runoff from the city streets in the river's drainage area, or watershed. When the District's sewage system exceeds capacity due to heavy rains, the runoff is dumped into the Anacostia River (â€Å"Cleaning†). Between 75 and 90 percent of the pollution is caused by runoff from areas of Washington, D.C. with heavy pavement, roads, and parking lots, which produce runof... ...universe/document>. Loeb, Vernon. â€Å"Currents of Change.†The Washington Post 01 Dec 1996: B01. LexisNexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb 2003 < >. Novotny, Patrick. Where We Live, Work and Play . Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2000. Raynor, Joyce. â€Å"Bill Norton Would Fund Grass-Roots River Cleanups.†The Washington Post 3 Mar. 1994: J3. Lexis-Nexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb. 2003. Ruffins, Paul. â€Å"Talking Trash.†Washington City Paper 26 Jan. 2001. 25 Feb. 2003. . Spencer, Duncan. â€Å"Caucus Rallies for Anacostia.†The Washington Post 8 Jan 2003: Pg.23. LexisNexis. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 30 March 2003 . A River Runs Through Us Essay -- Essays Papers A River Runs Through Us 1. â€Å"The Anacostia River is a metaphor for the way poor people and minorities are treated†(Hoover). In 1994, the Anacostia River was fourth on the list of American Rivers' â€Å"Most Endangered Rivers†(Rynor). Since the late 19 th century the water quality in this river has slowly declined with the onset of urbanization and industrialization and the pollution that accompanies this growth. The Anacostia is severely polluted with â€Å"sediment, nutrients, pathogens, toxins, and trash†(â€Å"Cleaning†). And it is no coincidence that the river runs through some of Washington D.C.'s poorest communities in the south-eastern sections of the city. 2. Environmental injustice has been an ongoing battle that continues to plague many lower class, high minority communities. Environmental injustices occur when â€Å"low-income communities and communities of color bear a disproportionate burden of the nation's pollution problems†(Bullard 15). Three of every five African Americans live in communities with abandoned toxic waste sites (Bullard â€Å"Toxic†). In a 1991 report Greenpeace explained that, â€Å"being poor in America means breathing foul air, working filthy jobs, and living next to toxic waste landfills and incinerators†(Novotny 13). 3. In Washington, D.C. much of the pollution plaguing the Anacostia River is caused by trash, raw sewage and runoff from the city streets in the river's drainage area, or watershed. When the District's sewage system exceeds capacity due to heavy rains, the runoff is dumped into the Anacostia River (â€Å"Cleaning†). Between 75 and 90 percent of the pollution is caused by runoff from areas of Washington, D.C. with heavy pavement, roads, and parking lots, which produce runof... ...universe/document>. Loeb, Vernon. â€Å"Currents of Change.†The Washington Post 01 Dec 1996: B01. LexisNexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb 2003 < >. Novotny, Patrick. Where We Live, Work and Play . Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2000. Raynor, Joyce. â€Å"Bill Norton Would Fund Grass-Roots River Cleanups.†The Washington Post 3 Mar. 1994: J3. Lexis-Nexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb. 2003. Ruffins, Paul. â€Å"Talking Trash.†Washington City Paper 26 Jan. 2001. 25 Feb. 2003. . Spencer, Duncan. â€Å"Caucus Rallies for Anacostia.†The Washington Post 8 Jan 2003: Pg.23. LexisNexis. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 30 March 2003 .
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Investigating Ratios of Areas and Volumes
Investigating Ratios of Areas and Volumes In this portfolio, I will be investigating the ratios of the areas and volumes formed from a curve in the form y = xn between two arbitrary parameters x = a and x = b, such that a < b. This will be done by using integration to find the area under the curve or volume of revolution about an axis. The two areas that will be compared will be labeled ‘A’ and ‘B’ (see figure A). In order to prove or disprove my conjectures, several different values for n will be used, including irrational, real numbers (? , v2). In addition, the values for a and b will be altered to different values to prove or disprove my conjectures. In order to aid in the calculation, a TI-84 Plus calculator will be used, and Microsoft Excel and WolframAlpha (http://www. wolframalpha. com/) will be used to create and display graphs. Figure A 1. In the first problem, region B is the area under the curve y = x2 and is bounded by x = 0, x = 1, and the x-axis. Region A is the region bounded by the curve, y = 0, y = 1, and the y-axis. In order to find the ratio of the two areas, I first had to calculate the areas of both regions, which is seen below. For region A, I integrated in relation to y, while for region B, I integrated in relation to x. Therefore, the two formulas that I used were y = x2 and x = vy, or x = y1/2. The ratio of region A to region B was 2:1. Next, I calculated the ratio for other functions of the type y = xn where n ? ?+ between x = 0 and x = 1. The first value of n that I tested was 3. Because the formula is y = x3, the inverse of that is x = y1/3. In this case, the value for n was 3, and the ratio was 3:1 or 3. I then used 4 for the value of n. In this case, the formula was y = x4 and its inverse was x = y1/4. For the value n = 4, the ratio was 4:1, or 4. After I analyzed these 3 values of n and their corresponding ratios of areas, I came up with my first conjecture: Conjecture 1: For all positive integers n, in the form y = xn, where the graph is between x = 0 and x = 1, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to n. In order to test this conjecture further, I used other numbers that were not necessarily integers as n and placed them in the function y = xn. In this case, I used n = ?. The two equations were y = x1/2 and x = y2. For n = ? , the ratio was 1:2, or ?. I also used ? as a value of n. In this case, the two functions were y = x? and x = y1/?. Again, the value of n was ? , and the ratio was ? :1, or ?. As a result, I concluded that Conjecture 1 was true for all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, between x = 0 and x = 1. 2. After proving that Conjecture 1 was true, I used other parameters to check if my conjecture was only true for x = 0 to x = 1, or if it could be applied to all possible parameters. First, I tested the formula y = xn for all positive real numbers n from x = 0 to x = 2. My first value for n was 2. The two formulas used were y = x2 and x = y1/2. In this case, the parameters were from x = 0 to x = 2, but the y parameters were from y = 0 to y = 4, because 02 = 0 and 22 = 4. In this case, n was 2, and the ratio was 2:1, or 2. I also tested a different value for n, 3, with the same x-parameters. The two formulas were y = x3 and x = y1/3. The y-parameters were y = 0 to y = 8. Again, the n value, 3, was the same as the ratio, 3:1. In order to test the conjecture further, I decided to use different values for the x-parameters, from x = 1 to x = 2. Using the general formula y = xn, I used 2 for the n value. Again, the ratio was equal to the n value. After testing the conjecture multiple times with different parameters, I decided to update my conjecture to reflect my findings. The n value did not necessarily have to be an integer; using fractions such as ? and irrational numbers such as ? did not affect the outcome. Regardless of the value for n, as long as it was positive, the ratio was always equal to n. In addition, the parameters did not have an effect on the ratio; it remained equal to the value used for n. Conjecture 2: For all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, where the graph is between x = a and x = b and a < b, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to n. . In order to prove my second conjecture true, I used values from the general case in order to prove than any values a and b will work. So, instead of specific values, I made the x-parameters from x = a to x = b. By doing this, region A will be the region bounded by y = xn, y = an, y = bn, and the y-axis. Region B is the region enclosed by y = xn, x = a, x = b, and the x-axis. The formulas used were y = xn and x = y1/n. The ratio of region A to region B is n:1, or n. This proves my conjecture correct, because the value for n was equivalent to the ratio of the two regions. . The next part of the portfolio was to determine the ratio of the volumes of revolution of regions A and B when rotated around the x-axis and the y-axis. First, I determined the ratio of the volumes of revolutions when the function is rotated about the x-axis. For the first example, I will integrate from x = 0 to x = 1 with the formula y = x2. In this case, n = 2. When region B is rotated about the x-axis, it can be easily solved with the volume of rotation formula. When region A is rotated about the x-axis, the resulting volume will be bounded by y = 4 and y = x2. The value for n is 2, while the ratio is 4:1. In this case, I was able to figure out the volume of A by subtracting the volume of B from the cylinder formed when the entire section (A and B) is rotated about the x-axis. For the next example, I integrated the function y = x2 from x = 1 to x = 2. In this case, I would have to calculate region A using a different method. By finding the volume of A rotated around the x-axis, I would also find the volume of the portion shown in figure B labeled Q. This is because region A is bounded by y = 4, y = x2, and y = 1. Therefore, I would have to then subtract the volume of region Q rotated around the x-axis in order to get the volume of only region A. In this case, the value for n was 2, and the ratio was 4:1. After this, I decided to try one more example, this time with y = x3 but using the same parameters as the previous problem. So, the value for n is 3 and the parameters are from x = 1 to x = 2. In this case, n was equal to 3, and the ratio was 6:1. In the next example that I did, I chose a non-integer number for n, to determine whether the current pattern of the ratio being two times the value of n was valid. For this one, I chose n = ? with the parameters being from x = 0 to x = 1. In this case, n = ? and the ratio was 2? :1, or 2?. After this, I decided to make a conjecture based on the 4 examples that I had completed. Because I had used multiple variations for the parameters, I have established that they do not play a role in the ratio; only the value for n seems to have an effect. Conjecture 3: For all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, where the function is limited from x = a to x = b and a < b, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to two times the value of n. In order to prove this conjecture, I used values from the general case in order to prove than any values a and b will work. So, instead of specific values, I made the x-parameters from x = a to x = b. By doing this, region A will be the region bounded by y = xn, y = an, y = bn, and the y-axis. Region B is the region enclosed by y = xn, x = a, x = b, and the x-axis. In this example, n = n and the ratio was equal to 2n:1. This proves my conjecture that the ratio is two times the value for n. When the two regions are rotated about the x-axis, the ratio is two times the value for n. However, this does not apply to when they are rotated about the y-axis. In order to test that, I did 3 examples, one being the general equation. The first one I did was for y = x2 from x = 1 to x =2. When finding the volume of revolution in terms of the y-axis, it is important to note that the function must be changed into terms of x. Therefore, the function that I will use is x = y1/2. In addition, the y-parameters are from y = 1 to y = 4, because the x values are from 1 to 2. In this example, n = 2 and the ratio was 1:1. The next example that I did was a simpler one, but the value for n was not an integer. Instead, I chose ? , and the x-parameters were from x = 0 to x = 1. The formula used was x = y1/?. In this example, the ratio was ? :2, or ? /2. After doing this example, and using prior knowledge of the regions revolved around the x-axis, I was able to come up with a conjecture for the ratio of regions A and B revolving around the y-axis. Conjecture 4: For all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, where the function is limited from x = a to x = b and a < b, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to one half the value of n. In order to prove this conjecture, I used values from the general case in order to prove than any values a and b will work. This is similar to what I did to prove Conjecture 3. So, instead of specific values, I made the x-parameters from x = a to x = b. By doing this, region A will be the region bounded by y = xn, y = an, y = bn, and the y-axis. Region B is the region enclosed by y = xn, x = a, x = b, and the x-axis. The ratio that I got at the end was n:2, which is n/2. Because the value of n is n, this proves that my conjecture is correct. In conclusion, the ratio of the areas formed by region A and region B is equal to the value of n. n can be any positive real number, when it is in the form y = xn. The parameters for this function are x = a and x = b, where a < b. In terms of volumes of revolution, when both regions are revolved around the x-axis, the ratio is two times the value of n, or 2n. However, when both regions A and B are revolved around the y-axis, the ratio is one half the value of n, or n/2. In both situations, n includes the set of all positive real numbers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Most Dangerous Game
â€Å"It is a very great pleasure and honour to welcome Mr. Sanger Rainsford, the celebrated hunter, into my home. †These are the first words spoken to Rainsford by General Zaroff upon his arrival on Ship-trap Island. Formally greeting Rainsford gives Zaroff an appearance of a proper gentleman; well-educated and well-mannered. But by his dark eyes, military moustache, and strong face you can also tell that he is obviously a strong leader and military general.Behind his high cheek bones, white hair and sharp nose is a strange madness not reflected by his looks. Murdering fellow human beings despite his proper look provides a stark contrast between what is seen on the outside and what personality lies on the inside. Much better described then the other characters in the story, General Zaroff is obviously a â€Å"round†character in the story â€Å"A Most Dangerous Game†.Through his words and actions we are given a deeper view of the General Zaroff character and fr om that information it is easy to assume his way of thinking and his reason for making certain decisions. Giving General Zaroff’s character a lot of depth creates the perfect â€Å"round†character. Sticking to his belief that killing humans is great fun and more of a sport then murder through the entire story, General Zaroff is a static character who obviously never learned a lesson from his experiences.Arrogant, proud, and inconsiderate to the great value of life, General Zaroff is a pretty bad guy. ‘But the sharp eyes of the hunter stopped before they reach the limb on which Rainsford lay; a smile crept across his face†¦ he turned his back on the tree and walked carelessly away. ’ In this short couple of sentences, the author demonstrates the arrogance of Zaroff. To demonstrate his inconsiderateness to the value of human life, Zaroff, when asked why he could do such a thing (hunt another human being) he answers, â€Å"Ennui. Boredom. By hunting Ra insford, Zaroff demonstrates that he is looking for a worthy opponent and by not sending him off with the others who got trapped on the island to exercise and gain muscle he obviously sees Rainsford, a fellow hunter, as a worthy opponent. Casually walking away from the tree he knew that Rainsford was in shows that because he knew exactly where Rainsford was, he wanted to give him another try to escape, mostly because he expected a lot more from him and was still bored because Rainsford was too easy to track.By saying things like, â€Å"Not many men know how to make a Malay mancatcher†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and, â€Å"Your Burmese tiger pit has claimed one of my best dogs. Again you score. †shows that he is obviously impressed by Rainsford’s intelligence and creativity. The author tells us a lot about General Zaroff in many different ways as to give contrast to the character. Though the things he says and does are very much the same, his physical appearance (shown by what the author tells us about him) is very difficult then how he behaves throughout the story.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Cultural Difference Paper Essay Example
Cultural Difference Paper Essay Example Cultural Difference Paper Essay Cultural Difference Paper Essay Cultural Differences Paper Psychology 535 September 20, 2010 Cultural Differences Paper In the following paper two multicultural concepts have been selected, which are individualism versus collectivism and sexual identity/orientation. Then, I will analyze individualism versus collectivism and sexual identity/orientation. Last, I will point out the significance in understanding cultural differences. Individualism versus collectivism Culture can be defined as a program of shared rules that govern the behavior of members of a community or society, and a set of values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by most members of that community (Wade Tavris, 2006). Culture has a profound effect on people’s lives and they fail to appreciate the deep influence. Some people think of culture as a light veneer on human behavior, or maybe a source of useful information for tourist travel. â€Å"Today many psychologists recognize that culture is just as powerful and influence on personality and behvaior as any biological process†, (Wade Tavris, 2006). I do not think that it is easy to see how cultural rules affect one’s one personality, for example if I was asked the question â€Å"who are you†, I am sure that my response will be influenced by my cultural background, in particular whether my culture emphasizes individualism or community. In individualist cultures, this is â€Å"a culture in which an emphasis is placed on the rights and desires of an individual rather than of the larger community. In these cultures, personal achievement and assertiveness is prized and there is a strong sense of competition. Independence is also seen as more important than conformity†, (Dictionary of Media Studies Dictionary of Media StudiesDictionary of Media Studies, 2006). In collectivist cultures, this is â€Å"a culture that places an emphasis on the needs and achievements of the group rather than of the individual. Personal achievement and assertiveness is considered less important than conformity to society and an ‘unselfish attitude’. Such communities have a strong sense of family and community†, (Dictionary of Media Studies, 2006). Some average differences between individualist and collectivist cultures is that members of individualist cultures define the self as autonomous, independent of groups, give priority to individual, personal goals, they value independence, leadership, achievement and self-fulfillment, they give more weight to an individual’s attitudes and preferences than to group norms as explanations of behavior and they attend to the benefits and costs of relationships; if costs exceed advantages, a person is likely to drop a relationship (Wade Tavris, 2006). Members of collectivist cultures define the self as an independent part of groups, they give priority to the needs and goals of the group, the value group harmony, duty, obligation, and security, they give more weight to group norms than to individual attitudes as explanations of behavior and they attend to the needs of group members; if a relationship is beneficial to the group but costly to the individual, the individual is likely to stay in the relationship (Wade Tavris, 2006). I also read that in a revealing study comparing Japanese and Americans, the Americans reported that their sense of self changes only 5 to 10 percent in different situations, whereas the Japanese said that 90 to 99 percent of their sense changes (de Rivera, 1989). Sexual identity/orientation Sexual orientation is â€Å"a term used to identify a persons sexual attraction toward persons of a particular gender. Those sexually attracted to the opposite sex are said to display a heterosexual orientation, those attracted to the same sex, a homosexual orientation and to both, bisexual†(The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology, 2009). Sexual identity is â€Å"ones identity with respect to sexual orientation†(The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology, 2009). Evolutionary psychologists believe that gender roles and sexual scripts (sets of implicit rules that specify proper sexual behavior for a person in a given situation, varying with the person’s age, culture, and gender) reflect hard-wired biological sex differences that resulted from natural selection. In contrast, social and cultural psychologists believe that gender roles and sexual scripts reflect a culture’s economic, demographic, and social arrangements (Wade Tavris, 2006). In most cases it is hard to find the origin of sexual orientation because the sexual identity and behaviors take different forms. Some people are attracted to men and women, and some are heterosexual in behavior but have homosexual fantasies. Some men, such as prisoners, are homosexual in their behvaior because they lack opportunity for heterosexual sex, but they do not define themselves as gay and prefer women sex partners. In some cultures, teenage boys go through a homosexual phase that they do not define as homosexual and that does not affect their future relations with women. In today’s world there are many different culture therefore there are many sexual orientation/identity differences. Culture differences differ widely in determining what parts of the body people learn are erotic, which sexual acts are considered erotic or repulsive, and whether sex itself is good or bad (Wade Tavris, 2006). Research on sexuality can be used for many purposes and political goals, depending on the values and attitudes of the culture in which such findings emerge. Conclusion In conclusion after reading this paper, two multicultural concepts have been selected, which were individualism versus collectivism and sexual identity/orientation. Then, I have analyzed individualism versus collectivism and sexual identity/orientation. Next, I have pointed out the significance in understanding cultural differences. Lastly, I have included some examples about Japanese and American cultures in regard to individualist and collectivist cultures. References: individualist. (2006). In Dictionary of Media Studies. Retrieved from credoreference. com/entry/dictmedia/individualist collectivist. Dictionary of Media Studies. London: AC Black, 2006. Credo Reference. Web. 20 September 2010. De Rivera, Joseph (1989). Comparing experiences across cultures; Shame and guilt in America and Japan. Hiroshima Forum for Psychology,14, 13-20. sexual orientation. The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology. London: Penguin, 2009. Credo Reference. Web. 20 September 2010. sexual identity. The Pe nguin Dictionary of Psychology. London: Penguin, 2009. Credo Reference. Web. 20 September 2010 Wade, C. , Tavris, C. (2006). Psychology (8th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Write Awesome Headlines That Your Audience Will Love
How To Write Awesome Headlines That Your Audience Will Love Pop quiz: Whats the first thing you read when you look at a piece of content on social media? Think you know it? The answer is the headline. The headline is the first thing you will read on any piece of content, and it will be the deciding factor whether or not you continue reading. In this post, Ill teach you techniques to writing memorable headlines your audience cannot resist. Are you ready!? Lets take a look. How To Write Awesome Social Media Headlines That Your Audience Will LoveWhy Spend Time Writing Good Headlines? No matter how fantastic, informative, and downright awesome the content you wrote is, none of that will matter if you dont have a good headline. You know that saying Dont judge a book by its cover? Lets be honest, we all look at the book cover to decide if we want to read it or not. The same goes for headlines. Recommended Reading: How to Write Emotional Headlines That Get More Shares If you dont have a headline that gives an overview or benefit of the content, no one is going to click on it. When writing a headline you have to ask yourself, Whats in it for my readers? Would you click on a piece of content with that headline? If the answer is no, then you need to spend some time crafting a better one. Need a Few Tools for Writing Better Social Media Headlines? Start writing better headlines, optimized for social media. Download these three free templates: A tear sheet of emotional power words that encourage clicks and shares. A Social Media Headline A/B Test Template to help you optimize your headlines using our Headline Analyzer. A Catchy Blog Title sheet with 500 power + emotion words, plus 100 headline writing templates to hone your craft. How To Write An Effective Headline That Connects With Your Audience The headline accounts for up to 50% of your blog post’s effectiveness. You're overall goal for writing a headline is to get someone to click on it. In order for someone to click on it, they have to connect with the headline in someway. There are several different headline categories, such as: Question Benefit How-To List Post Generic Let's take a deeper look into these 5 types of headlines. Take a look into five types of #social #media #headlines:1. Question A question headline is exactly how it sounds; it asks a question. This question has to relate to the content it's linked to. If you wrote about Facebook engagement, then your question headline would sound something like "Are You Struggling To Engage With Your Facebook Audience?" The person reading this will make the connection that they need help with Facebook engagement and click on the link to find the answer. The goal of a question headline is to leave the reading wondering the answer. Be careful when using question headlines. At least tease the answer to the question in your introduction to keep readers interested. 2. Benefit A benefit headline offers a quick snippet of what the reader will obtain after reading the content. The benefit headline has to give the reader (you guessed it) a benefit. If you wrote about email marketing, then your benefit headline would sound something like "15 Tactics For Increasing Your Email Subscribers by 137%." The person reading this will know that after reading this post they can increase their email subscribers. Studies have shown that headlines with numbers tend to generate 73% more social shares and engagement. The higher the number, the higher the engagement. Would you rather read a post that has 5 ways to increase Facebook engagement, or 21 ways? Studies also found that using odd numbers have a higher chance of engagement compared to even numbers. Do your headlines convey clear benefits to your readers?3. How To A how-to headline offers the reader actionable steps to do something better. The how-to headline has to provide insights to what the 'how to' is. If you wrote a post about Instagram followers, then your how to headline would sound something like "How To Skyrocket Your Instagram Followers With These 15 Tactics." The person reading this can connect that they need more Instagram followers, and this post will help skyrocket that. You’ve probably seen a lot of â€Å"how to†headlines. That’s because†¦ well, they work. When your audience searches for information, it could be because they want to know how to do something better. That’s where you can step in and provide helpful content to position your business as a source of relevant and useful information. 4. List Post A list post headline provides a round-up of content or information around a given topic. The list post headline has to include a piece from the content it's linked to. If you wrote a post about marketing calendars, then your headline would sound something like "10 Steps To Fill Your Marketing Calendar With Brilliant Ideas." There are different ways to write a list post: 10 Ways ... 10 Things ... 10 Steps ... 10 Tips ... Top 10 Most ... Top 10 Reasons ... The #1 Reason ... List posts work and the possibilities are endless. BuzzSumo teamed up with OkDork to share data that basically says list posts get the most social shares after infographics. These headlines give your readers the chance to skim your subheads to see if they’d like to dive in further. 5. Generic A generic headline is well ... generic. This is something you don't want. You don't want to have a headline that's already been written by 10 other people. Even if you are covering the same topic, your headline should be unique and provide an emotional connection with your audience. Don't write a headline that's already been done by 10 other people.A generic headline looks something like "Write Better Headlines Today." How are you going to write better headlines? This approach offers no inside look at what the reader can expect by clicking. Avoid generic headlines whenever you can. List post, how to, benefit and question headlines have a better opportunity to get social shares, traffic, and overall SEO value. Recommended Reading: Here are the 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438% Good vs. Bad Headlines for Social Media Now that we know what kind of headlines work, you're ready to start writing headlines! Okay...not quite yet. Keep in mind the headline you're writing is something that you would be interested in. If you won't click it, no one else will. Here's some examples of good vs. bad headlines: How To Write Good Headlines. (Bad! Provides no benefit or inside look.) How To Write Headlines That Drive Traffic, Shares, And Search Results. (Good! Provides the reader with a benefit.) Do You Know How To Write Good Headlines? (Bad! Very vague, close-ended question.) Are You Struggling To Write Memorable Headlines? (Good! Connects with the audience.) This headline from Social Media Examiner tells the reader exactly what to expect when clicking on the post. A perfect example of a "how to" headline. Remember to always provide the best benefit and ask the right question! Avoid boring, vague headlines. This headline below is vague and doesn't tell the reader what they will be reading about. Is a "how to" guide? Is it going to show examples of user-friendly design? Do I connect with this headline? A generic and vague headline is something to avoid along with clickbait headlines. Clickbait headlines are manipulative and deceiving. You want to write a headline to connect with your audience, not just to increase your page views. A clickbait headline looks something like "When You Read These 19 Shocking Food Facts, You'll Never Want To Eat Again." I know that headline sounds ridiculous, but it's really out there. Bottom line, avoid clickbait and generic headlines at all costs. Instead, opt for a headline that will connect with your audience on an emotional level. The best way to do this, is to choose your words wisely.
Friday, November 1, 2019
International Marketing Plan ( The Argos entering the China market) Coursework
International Marketing Plan ( The Argos entering the China market) - Coursework Example One of such notable is the introduction of one child policy by the government in 1979. Another, significant change noted in 1997, when Hong Kong returned to the control of China. This has lead to a significant impact in the economy as well as in the culture of the region. However, through all the changes from the history of the nation, presently the nation has commanded as the second largest economy in the world. With regard to geographical scenario, the location of China is highly favourable to most of the foreign as it is located near to most of the nations. The nation is located in the South East Asia and along the costal lines of the Pacific Ocean. Thus, shipping from China is highly convenient to the international traders. As China is the largest nation in the world and having a vast land area the climate greatly differs throughout the nation. This enables China to have a varied temperature and rainfall throughout the nation. However, majority of the land area of the nation possess continental monsoon. Additionally, the winter season of the nation is mostly observed to be cold and dry while the summer is hot and rainy. Moreover, it is also important to note that China do not possess extreme climatic condition that discourages the investors. Topographically, China has higher altitudes in the western part while it has lower altitudes in the eastern region. It is observed that two third of the nation possess plateaus and mountains. However, it is also important to note that topographically the nation is not unfavourable that would discourage the investors. The topographical image of China is shown underneath. With the change in the economical structure of China, the nation has also undergone a significant change in the family structure. It is observed that majority of the people of the nation possess a nuclear family structure. This comprises of
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